Friday, June 12, 2015

Moving on...

     So, as you know, I've spent the last few days in Bangelore which is in Southern India. The temperatures were warm but mild (usually in the low 80's), there was a constant breeze, and my hotel was very comfortable! I learned  A LOT while I was in Bangelore but boy was I tired!  If you follow the Propel Montour Instagram, you may have seen some pictures of me dabbling in some of India's culture.  For example, new friends and  I visited a Dodda Ganeshana Gudi (Bull Temple) which is over 500 years old. To be respectful to the Hindu religion I had to remove my shoes upon entering the temple.  Inside the temple was an enormous statue of a sacred bull. People place offerings at the temple regularly and once a year hold s nut festival to  cover the bull in oils  and celebrate offerings. As I exited the temple a religious fellow placed a red dot on my forehead. This dot is not to be confused with a bindi. Instead, this dot represents "Devine sight" and could be compared to the marking Catholics wear on their forehead on Ash Wednesday. Then, since I was indulging in the culture, I bought a string of jasmine to wear in my hair as so many Indian women do. 

     Now I am in Hyderabad which is easiest to explain as being in the middle of India. The difference in temperature when I stepped off my prop plane further north was immediately detectable and the monsoon season is clearly in effect. My hotel is comfortable but not as clean as most Americans would prefer and the TV isn't even a flat screen! But despite the differences I am very excited now that I'm in Hyderabad preparing for my field experience. I am looking forward to meeting the host teacher who will be helping me learn more about the culture here in Hyderabad, the school system, and Jubilee Hills School! I can't wait to try new foods now that I'm in the north because cuisines change as you travel through out India influenced by resources and ancient civilizations.  So stay tuned all, there is plenty more adventure to come!

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